Quality of Life


Thanks to our more than 9,500 employees, we were able to bring our wide range of top quality products to the tables of our customers and consumers.

Our Workforce


At year-end, our workforce was made up as follows:

Year ClassificationPermanentTemporaryTotal

We have a diversified workforce, with 42 percent women and 58 percent men.


Furthermore, in order to encourage inclusion in the workforce, this year will see the introduction of the Alianza Éntrale, driven by the Mexican Business Council, whose aim is to create a culture of work inclusion for people with disabilities.


We currently have 19 workers with different types of disability, in different locations. By being part of the Éntrale initiative, we seek to include workers with disability in our workforce. (GRI 102-8)

Year GenderType of DisabilityAge RangeTotal
2017MaleHearing impairment (5)
Visual impairment (1)
FemaleHearing impairment (8)
Motor disability (3)
Intellectual disability (2)

In addition to promoting work inclusion and gender equality, we respect the right of collective bargaining. In 2017, 38 percent of our workers were part of a collective agreement. (GRI 102-41)


Training and Development


Year after year we encourage the continued development of our employees with ongoing plans for communication, feedback and recognition; employee benefits that surpass industry standards, with no gender distinction; and the application of codes, values, and policies that enable them to perform their work with an ethical approach.

During 2017, we increased our training budget by more than half a million pesos, investing a total of 9 million pesos, allowing us to give 13 percent more training and development hours, amounting to 160,356 hours on topics including administration, technical training, environmental management, health, safety and corporate values.  (GRI 404-1)

During 2017, the high-impact training projects were the WCM efficiency program in Herdez Del Fuerte, and the Code of Ethics reinforcement campaign. (GRI 404-2)

Training by Contract type

Ongoing assessment and improvement


At least once a year, 92 percent of our full-time employees receive a performance review by using a variety of approaches, such as adherence to profile, goal management and three or four-monthly evaluations. These reviews enable us to objectively establish productivity incentives, horizontal promotions or changes within the organization, and wage increases.


Union personnel is evaluated monthly, in relation to the production rates in the corresponding plants or distribution centers. (GRI 404-3)

Health, Safety and Risk Prevention


Through the Environmental Control, Safety and Hygiene (CASH for its initials in Spanish) area, we safeguard the integrity and wellbeing of our employees; we prevent and mitigate incidents that affect the environment and maintain a culture of safety and risk prevention.

Each of our sites has a work program aligned with these goals. The program is based on risk studies and backed by safety and hygiene regulations to measure risks pertaining to machinery, equipment, storage, chemical control, work environment, noise, and high and low temperatures.

The Safety and Hygiene Commission of each plant conducts a Workplace Safety Analysis covering health and safety risks. In addition, we make accident prevention plans and run internal civil protection programs.
Since 2016, CASH has been developing Environmental Control, Safety and Hygiene within the World Class Manufacturing (WCM) outline; the project is expected to be finished in 2018.

Similarly, we have a major emergency plan, designed to respond to any contingency in plants and distribution centers concerning environmental risks and prevention of damage to personnel and installations. The plan involves brigades which support and coordinate communication between affected, adjoining and corporate areas. Five contingencies arose in 2017.

Participation in Associations and Certifications


We coordinated with the Industrial Zone Users Union (UUZI) on mutually beneficial works concerning prevention, safety, hygiene and the environment. In addition, we participated in Coparmex as consultant and adviser on safety and hygiene and environmental matters, and were active members of the CONMEXICO safety committee.


We hold several certifications pertaining to environment and safety, including the Clean Industry Certification, issued by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (PROFEPA). In 2017, we maintained our certification in six plants and distribution centers. In addition, two sites have an Environmental Leadership program, as well as tobacco smoke-free space initiatives in eight sites, of which six have now been verified.


We hold the Safe Industry certification issued by the Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS). In 2017, four plants and a distribution center joined the program. Each year, Civil Protection runs the internal protection program, which is audited by its own personnel, and is focused on preventive measures against fire, spills, leaks and other risks. (GRI 102-11)


Since 2012, Environmental Control, Safety and Hygiene has operated under a strategic plan to monitor incidents and prevent workplace injuries and environmental damage.


As a result of these ongoing efforts, in 2017 we reduced our injury rate by 4 percent and our lost day rate by 21 percent. (GRI 403-2)

YearGenderAccidentsAccident rateLost days per accidentLost days per accident rate

The total number of injuries reported is based on the Sistema Único de Autodeterminación (SUA) report, which includes work injuries, occupational diseases and relapses.


The injuries and lost days presented match the report delivered to the Social Security.


It includes only those indicators that the Company manages, and which are calculated according to the methodology of the Global Reporting Initiative version G4, considering:


(*) The injury rate expresses the number of injuries during the year relative to the total man-hours worked multiplied by a factor of 200,000.


(**) The lost day rate is expressed by comparing the total lost days during the year to the total man-hours worked multiplied by a factor of 200,000.

Healthy Eating


This year, the Healthy Eating Program spread to Los Mochis, Sinaloa, bringing the number of locations in the program to four, along with Mexico City, Estado de México and San Luis Potosí.

The program provides our employees with dietary assessment through healthy eating plans and monthly follow-ups. In 2017, 2,570 consultations were given, and our employees lost a total of 1,341 kg. (GRI IP-4)