In Grupo Herdez we continue to work on strengthening a culture of legality with workers, clients, suppliers and civil society organizations. Year after year, we reinforce the knowledge and diffusion of the Code of Ethics, our Corporate Values and grievance channels, to promote an ethical approach that incorporates our entire value chain.

Having employees and partners who share this view gives us the opportunity to monitor illegal acts—such as bribery and other forms of corruption, or any breach of human rights—from different angles and anonymously. We have a number of grievance channels, including:

  1. E-mail:,

  2. E-mail and direct line to the supervisors of Human Resources, Internal Audit and Legal

  3. Physical mail-boxes in different locations

  4. Toll-free line 01 800 CONFIANZA (01 800 266 342 692) or (Nutrisa 01800 312 98 32)

These mechanisms are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


During 2017, the toll-free line 01 800 CONFIANZA received 31 grievances and 55 complaints, 95 percent of which had been resolved at the close of this report. The remaining 5 percent relate to four complaints which were under review.

The complaints received are monitored by an external supplier, which regularly shares a consolidated report with the management of Human Resources and the General Management of Internal Audit. The Internal Audit area is responsible for following up, investigating and issuing an opinion on all complaints.

In 2017:

  • Seven cases of corruption were confirmed, related to breach of confidence, acceptance of gifts, preference to transport providers, undue payments and increased quotation prices.
  • In addition, thirteen employees were dismissed from the Company as a result of complaints filed during 2016. (GRI 205-3)

Promoting a Culture of Legality


In Grupo Herdez we promote a culture of legality among our employees. The main lines of action during 2017 were:


  • The rolling out of reinforcement campaigns for our Code of Ethics in 40 percent of our locations.

  • Training on “Intelligence and Prevention of Illicit Transactions, Money-Laundering, Fraud and Corruption,” a course coordinated by the Legal area attended by employees from Strategic Supply, Internal Audit, Accounts Payable, Treasury, Supplier Development and Legal.

  • Diffusion of corporate communications to publicize the new General Law of Administrative Responsibilities, and mechanisms for the prevention of money-laundering. (GRI 205-2)


Supply Chain Transparency


Our Code of Conduct for Suppliers contains the minimum guidelines that must be met by all our suppliers on matters of working and environmental conditions, both real and potential. This document is based on the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the Human Rights Policy and Grupo Herdez Code of Ethics.

It is worth underlining that Grupo Herdez rejects, without exception, all forms of forced or compulsory labor, and any kind of full or part-time child labor, whether for remuneration or otherwise, regardless of the purpose. (GRI 409-1)